The launch of the university’s integration unit – suspension

This Monday (18), when opening University integration unit And delivery Eco-friendly PET stools and tables To different university campuses, University President Jose Eduardo Hernandez Nava He noted that one of the central policies of his administration “was improvement The quality of life of the university communityConditions of their studies and work, “as well Sustainability.

Thanks to this policy, the University Family Development Center (CEDEFUThat, in a short time, has become a one-stop shop for managing the aforementioned corporate strategy, he said. He added that this center has been launched Embedding procedures To facilitate access and attendance and Employment opportunities In the People with disabilities.

He highlighted the work Alicia Lopez de Hernandez, General Director of CEDEFU, Over the past few years, especially the project Meditation, Which was funded by Universia Foundation, Under Erasmus Plus program, I work for Ensure higher education for students with disabilities. This program served, he said University’s presidentAs a sensitive indicator to measure progress in University social responsibility“.

Under this same care, who The Erasmus Plus program of the European UnionHernandez Nava explained that an opening was possible University integration unit, Which provides space for Students with disabilities They can carry out their tasks and obtain support materials for their classes, in collaboration with trained volunteers The Muse Project.

The unit consists of a file Interactive braille panel To form words by grouping parts, basic message axes, Software For technology that adapts word, picture, or activity communication boards; Screen reader And the Braille for Windows, a Wireless audio transmitterAnd private voice recorders and High-tech scanner for digitizing books for visually impaired students.

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In addition, prof Braille printer With high technology and High brightness interactive projector Eliminates shadows and flickers, as well as desktop computers. We are opening more options for Equal opportunitiesWhich has been added to a file Awareness of disability and inclusion issues That they already have “and clinical spaces are being expanded for comprehensive training of students.”

Finally, the University President Hernandez Nava Congratulated and thanked the staff CEDEFU For work done all this time.

When taking the word, Alicia Del Carmen Lopez de Hernandez He said, “Today’s project that University of Colima 3 years ago to European Union in the MUSE projectBeing the only one Mexico State University To receive that invitation. “

With this event, he pointed out, ” CEDEFU Meets the supposed obligation to deliver University integration unitThis unit started It will benefit students with disabilities, With an investment of 838 thousand 749 euros, which was granted European Union across the Erasmus Plus programFor their successful participation in Muse International Project“.

although Project Moses Lopes de Hernandez commented that he had lasted 3 years, “leaving an institution in a situation relating to the issue of disability”. Now with Understand the project, From which the integration unit was derived, “the university will advance in terms of inclusion, and expand its support for people with Neurodiversidad“.

After the launch of these facilities located in the room attached to the center Lecture hall, at Central campus, he is University President Eduardo Hernandez And the CEDEFU CEO Make delivery Eco-seats made of PET, As a result of Waste campaign, In which high school and college students participated; “This was made possible by the efforts of the university campuses along with their delegations, public service employees, teachers, students and administrators,” he said. Alicia Lopez de Hernandez.

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Faculties with environmental seats are: Educational Sciences, Accounting and Colima Management, Medicine, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Chemical Sciences, Civil Engineering, Veterinary Medicine and Zoology, Foreign Trade and Pedagogy, as well as the University Institute of Fine Arts, the Association of Retired Persons and Retirees of UdeC and CEDEFU itself.

They were, in addition to the university president, Juan Carlos Vargas’ photo, Secretary General; Priscilia AlvarezDelegate of the Colima Campus; Genoveva Amador, Director General of International Relations and Academic Cooperation; And the Carlos Enrique Tene, Director of Wellbeing Outlook at CEDEFU.

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