The engagement with Pedro Almodovar to the new young Prime Minister of France, Gabriel Attal

France has a new prime minister after Elisabeth Bourne resigned. With this change, Gabriel Attal becomes the youngest person to hold this position in the entire history of the French state. At the age of 34, Attal stole this achievement from Laurent Fabius, who was 37 years old when François Mitterrand appointed him in 1984, as the newspaper reported. Le Monde.

Emmanuel Macron decided to trust this political promise given his work as an advisor to the Ministry of Health and Minister of Education. He became, in a short time, the most popular member of the government, so it is not surprising that he was being considered for this important position. Although his professional career is impressive, his personal life is not far behind.

Gabriel Attal, the youngest French Prime Minister

Joel Saget/AFP

The young politician was born in the French municipality of Clamart on March 16, 1989. Gabriel Attal grew up in a large family in the noble neighborhoods of Paris, which allowed him to pursue his education in the best schools, from the Alsatian school to the Alsatian school. Science Po.

This good life is due to the fact that his father, Yves Attal, is an important lawyer and film producer who worked on important projects. According to the aforementioned media, the father of the new French Prime Minister worked with Bernardo Bertolucci in… Stolen beauty. Although his involvement with Pedro Almodovar in the film stands out above all. Distal heel.

Gabriel Attal, from the world of acting to the political forefront

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Seeing father working with great film directors, such as Castilian-La Mancha, and mother Marie De Corres, who also works in a production company, it is not surprising that Atal would want to try the world of acting. During his studies, the young man did not hesitate to attend various castings, even in leading roles. However, he had to be content with secondary roles.

After graduating in political science, he did not hesitate to be a socialist activist for 10 years, working alongside François Hollande. It was in 2016 when he managed to gain the support of the current French president, and he was even his electoral spokesman in 2017.


Gabriel Attal

Christophe Ena / La Presse

Another aspect to consider in the life of the new French Prime Minister is that he did not hide his homosexuality at any time. A side that opens the door to collective struggle, to reach the highest levels. Atal himself explained: “Dad, I fell in love with a boy.” September at eight From TF1.

Stéphane Séjourné is his current partner, with whom he decided to share his life. They are united by their interest in politics. Sigourney is an adviser to the president and is among the favorites to lead the party's label in the European elections in June.

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