The discovery of a carnivorous cockroach surprised the entire scientific community

News about the origin of humans often appears all over the world, as does news about the origin of humans. discovery Of new animal species. In this sense, the most heard are the fossilized remains that can be found several meters underground, just as happens with dinosaurs. But in recent days a insect which was thought to be extinct, cockroach Carnivorous

Before humans inhabited the Earth, there were other specimens that evolved due to external factors. To give examples, this is the case of dinosaurs that, after the fall of a giant meteorite, underwent changes in their bodies to adapt to the new environment. Thus, over the centuries, Discoveries Surprise archaeological sites as happened with A insect Unknown to this day, relative to the known cockroach.

Why is it called cockroach Carnivorous?

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is one of the most widely accepted theories in the field of archaeological sciences, in the context of research to understand Discoveries Fossilized from the past. In this case, a few days ago a type of cockroach Which is distinguished by its striking name, as it is considered a carnivore. This surprised many, especially the scientific community. insect It reappeared several years after it was considered extinct.

If we refer to CockroachesToday, their presence is usually frowned upon inside the home because they pose a risk to the health care and food we consume on a daily basis. However, we are talking about a insect Which is several million years old on Earth, which some suggest Discoveries Fossils. The remarkable thing is also present in more than 4 thousand existing species, one of which attracts attention because of its dangerous name.

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To be more precise, on a hidden beach in Australia, known as North Bay, a group of biological scientists from the University of Sydney found a species of cockroach It is considered a carnivore. It has been considered extinct since 1930. insect It differs from the common versions in that it has no wings and its length ranges from 22 to 40 mm. Although this is the most notable feature of the new discoveryIts evocative name does not refer to a diet of live animals, but rather to its preference for wood that can be consumed within days.

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