The conclusion of the virtual exhibition for Girls in Science 2021

In the framework of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the virtual exhibition Girls in Science 2021 was concluded with the participation of scientists, academics, girls and young people who shared experiences through conferences, talks and more than 60 video clips while enhancing interest on this topic of study.

Mayor Hipolito Rodriguez Herrero said the event was the result of a great effort by women who were role models that it is possible to have an approach with science from a young age and in a fun way, because it doesn’t have to be a rugged, arid world as we have seen in the past.

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She stressed that through this exhibition, the city council realizes that there are more and more opportunities and equal conditions for women to access study areas that they previously had no access to.

According to the mayor, this type of initiative makes the work of female scientists visible, in both the exact and social sciences; A fertile field for women to contribute to the development of everyone.

Hipólito Rodríguez invited the Xalapa community to come to the spaces equipped with free internet to meet as a community and share useful materials that help citizens create a better world.

Counselor Maria Consuelo Nembro Dominguez highlighted the participation of officials from various fields of municipal government, who united around important issues such as scientific promotion, in addition to providing a space to spread the role of women in various fields of science.

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Counselor Eric Omar Rodolfo Juarez Valladares indicated that Xalapa is the only Veracruz city council focusing on a region focused on science and technology interest with a sub-district that, since its inception, has implemented measures that allow girls to access science.

According to Xalapa Innovation Lab coordinator (Labix), Rosa Isela Sánchez Benavides, more than 60 exhibition videos have been produced from different regions of Mexico and Jalapa and from countries such as Argentina and Spain, and the materials that will remain on the official Facebook page of the laboratory to inspire people to enter the world of science and technology.

Director of the Open Government Victor Manuel Mondragon Astorga; Deputy Directors of Science and Technology, Galo Le Madec Beverido, and Education Gregorio Huesca Sarabia, as well as municipal officials.


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