The British are abandoning Netflix and Prime Video

The Broadcaster Audience Research Board (BARB) recorded a decrease of 382K to 19.2M subscribers UK VoD services in the second quarter of 2022 compared to the period from January to March. Although the survey does not indicate the reasons, the entity mentioned Increasing energy prices and cost of living as a catalyst for cost audits in families.

According to the survey, Netflix – Sector leader – More than 200,000 customers lost to 17 million, equivalent to 60 per cent of British homes. for this part, Amazon Prime Video The number of subscribers is now 12 million, which is 4 percent less than before as a result of a decrease of 589,000 subscribers. CurrentlySkies SVOD, lost 64 thousand users to 2.1 million.

Recomendamos: Netflix pierde casi un millón de suscriptores (pero evitó el peor escenario)

Disney + s + AppleTV, meanwhile, “challenged the trend with small quarterly gains.” The first reaches 23 percent of households after increases of 91 thousand, reaching 6.6 million customers. Apple added 43,000 subscribers to 1.6 million homes, or 6 percent of the total.

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