The 12 best trails on the planet are on display in Melilla, the world’s parkour center

Melilla It became last weekend The epicenter of the parkour world. The twelve best people on the planet met on the streets of the indie city to take part in Action Master Extreme Parkour International Tournament. At the end of three days of Swedish competition Ellis Turhall He emerged victorious.

Stunts with amazing jumps can be seen in the middle of the street Old Melilla, the Corniche and La Cañada, which has been transformed into urban circuits with natural and artificial obstacles from Friday to Sunday. There they displayed an amazing spin in six different Twelve Tests tracker (the name by which parkour practitioners are known) who came from countries such as Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom or the United Arab Emirates In addition to Spaniards Aaron Boom and Adrian DB.

“It was the event of the year for Melilla”

A jury made up of famous people from the world of parkour, such as Pasha, Jason Paul and Fosky, evaluated the stunts of the participants. Ellis Turhall started driving on the first day. He really emerged as the best player on Friday and held his form until the end to win the action title Master Xtreme Parkour. This is the eighth international competition he has appreciated in his record.

“It has been a very difficult three days and I am very happy“, Torhol admitted. After the Swede, Briton Ed Scott took second place, and Russian Archie Aroyan closed the podium. Of the three trackerwas distributed Twelve thousand euros prizes.

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Amazing show

Australian Dominic Francis Di Tomaso, better known as Domtomato, thanked all participants for the support they have received throughout the competition: “The audience is so integrated. It’s like the show, it’s absolutely amazing.” On how dangerous this sports regimen is, he says: “When I miss, I say, ‘Well, do I have any damage? “And if I’m okay, I’ll try again.”.

the pasavallas, double and reverse pirouettes They delighted the crowd from Melilla, who packed touring all weekend. “We want everyone to feel at home.”said Aaron Boom, the current Spanish parkour champion. The event was moderated by Alberto Gomez, the parkour world champion in 2019.

“When I miss, I say, ‘Well, do I have any damage? “And if I’m okay, I’ll try again.”

In the autonomous city, they qualify to celebrate this tournament “Unprecedented success”This was also stated by Rashid Boussian, Minister of Sports, Urban Planning and Infrastructure. Libra resounds: “It was the event of the year for Melilla”.

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