Star Wars: Why is May Fourth so important to fans?

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all May 4th Lovers star Wars People from all over the world gather in different places to cheer.”May the fourth be with you” And celebrate the movie and universe saga created from the popular franchise that began its journey in 1977 and currently contains nine episodes.

The origin of this celebration goes back to the premiere of a movie Episode fourthe first movie of star Wars Divided George Lucasits creator, in which various characters wish their comrades well with the phrase “may the force be with you”, which in English means “may the force be with you”.

On May 4, 1979, members UK Conservative Party first used the phraseMay the fourth be with you, MaggieTo congratulate the new Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who will become a benchmark for conservatism around the world.

A pun has become a phrase of encouragement associated with a specific date into oblivion to pop culture for over thirty yearsIn 2011, Canadian cinema Toronto Underground recaptured the iconic expression to promote a special themed event. star Wars.

The phrase has been out of popular culture for over forty years.

Since when is May 4th celebrated as Star Wars Day?

After purchasing the franchise from its creator George Lucas in 2012, the entertainment company Disney benefited The date of the promotion and celebration of the 4th of May every year as Star Wars Day.

The famous company organizes events at its headquarters Disneyland In California and Florida in the United States with themes from the science fiction epic, in addition to Celebrate virtually Through its Disney + platform, in which they celebrated May the fourth be with you In a special way in 2020, the series will be published Clone Wars.

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