Square Enix offers Tomb Raider games so you can have it

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Are you a fan Tomb rider But are you missing some of their spin-offs? Then you should know that Square Enix is ​​ditching a couple of them on social media. The best thing is that getting your belongings is very easy.

Through Twitter, Square Enix launched a new ad campaign for Square Enix Advance This will happen tomorrow. In it, they invite users to reply to their tweet with a message that includes the hashtag #SquareEnixPresent.

This will be a signal to the company that you are interested in free games. Therefore, it will send you a direct message containing a code that you can substitute Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light s Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris To the computer.

It is important to note that the promotion will only be available for a limited time and while supplies are running.

What do you think of this upgrade? Do you want to benefit from it? Tell us in the comments.

The Square Enix Presents will take place tomorrow, March 18th, at 11:00 PM MST. You can learn more about this event If you click here.

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