Spain’s alcohol supply could run out due to the Brexit crisis until Christmas

NSNS Britain’s exit from the European Union and the blocking who caused suffering Some brands have stopped alcohol to reach Spain. currently. The Bars and nightlife establishments Noted great difficulty in obtaining certain signs of Gin, vodka or whiskey. This is the case of “Seagrams” “Beefeater” or “Absolut”.

Shortage of gin, vodka and whiskey due to Brexit and supply crunch

All this as a result of the announcement by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that a few days ago UK supply shortages could continue until Christmas.

In fact, the The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union have thus influenced hThere is a lack of alcohol in the bars that have not received certain brands of vodka or whiskey for months.

these circumstances It comes directly in one of the best moments in this sector after it has been reduced all measures to combat COVID due to the low infection rates this happens. But these shortcomings come at the height of alcohol consumption since COVID restrictions were eased.

Now those who Survive this shortage supermarkets For this reason, there are bars and places Sahar go to these centers in search of what they need to continue their work.

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