So you can type words and phrases in several languages ​​without having to switch from one language to another

Thanks to this trick, Google keyboard will recognize the words you type in several languages ​​without having to switch from one language to another.

By using this Gboard trick, you can avoid one of the biggest hassles when typing on your mobile phone

gboard He is undoubtedly one Best keyboard apps for AndroidThanks first of all Great ability to customize And a series of very useful functions for Create letters and emails quickly and easily.

Over the past few months, we’ve discovered the best keyboard tricks for you. The Google And this time we come to reveal a new Gboard trick that you can use Avoid one of the biggest hassles when typing on your mobile phone.

Gboard adds a language wrapper

With this simple trick, you can make Gboard recognize the words you type in multiple languages.

Type in multiple languages ​​on Gboard with this simple trick

One of the main problems that you definitely encounter when typing messages or emails from your mobile phone is its keyboard set to language And if you have to use another language to communicate with your interlocutor, then you have no choice but to continue using the keyboard Without predicting or manually changing the languagewith the inconvenience of having to Languages ​​are constantly changing.

So you can easily edit text with your mobile keyboard

Well, this problem already has a solution because Gboard has a function that allows you to Add all the languages ​​you want and use them interchangeably Without losing the word prediction function and without the need for it Change from one language to another from time to time.

To use this function, you simply have to do it Adding a new language, such as English, to Gboardsomething you can do by following these simple steps:

  • Access any messaging app and Click the text box To open the Google keyboard
  • Click vertical three dots button which appears on the right side of the top bar of Gboard
  • push the button Settings
  • Enter the section Languages
  • push the button Add a keyboard Which is located at the bottom of the application
  • choose the language that you want to add from the list or search for it using the magnifying glass that appears in the upper right corner
  • Finally, access the language you want to add, select the keyboard layout and click the button Maher Which is located at the bottom right
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You must bear in mind that if you want Gboard shows you predictions for the languages ​​you addyou have to check that the key that appears to the right of the option Writing in multiple languages In the list of each language is activated. Also, you should know that Gboard will show you predictions Max 3 languages.

Once that is done, you can Type words and phrases in the three languages ​​you have composed and receive predictions from each of themwhich is really useful for replying to messages in chats in another language or for using language learning apps like Duolingo or memory.

Google Play Store | Gboard: Google keyboard

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