Small left-wing parties team up for Uruguay's elections

Montevideo, December 28 (Prensa Latina) Three small parties that consider themselves to the left of the Frente Amplio today formed an alliance aiming to win a seat in the House of Representatives in next year's elections in Uruguay.

The Popular Unity Party (UP, which includes other organizations), the Workers' Party and the Workers' Struggle Front are betting on the union bringing a representative to Parliament in the elections scheduled for October 27, 2024.

The purpose is to struggle in the legislature against the “historical” positions of the left, including an attempt to approve a referendum against the pension reform approved by the government and which received a majority of votes in Parliament.

Former union representative Eduardo Rubio told La Diaria newspaper that such groups coincided in different situations of struggle, especially in the confrontation with the “regressive reform of social security.”

He pointed out that they seek to confront the “neoliberal model” that at this stage “forces everyone to define themselves.”

He said, “Our central slogan is to sign now and vote yes in the referendum to reform the constitution, and establish these three foundations for fair and supportive social security for the state.”

He advocated abolishing private companies that manage workers' retirements, maintaining the retirement age at 60, and raising the minimum retirement and pensions to the level of the minimum wage.

He pointed out that the other proposals are a confrontation with Westernization and territorial concentration, and against the dictates of the International Monetary Fund.

In addition, the struggle for education is in the service of the people, which, as he pointed out, means the opposite of government educational reform.

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