Signing of cooperation between AUIEMSS universities and Puebla City Council

This alliance has future prospects for enriching rehabilitation programs, mental health care, addiction prevention, and more

In the capital of Puebla, the big challenge cycle correction Now it is shared with 68 schools that make up the Consortium of Universities and Institutions of Higher and Secondary Education (AUIEMSS), where they will join Eduardo Rivera Perezthe mayor, to promote various models of community care and social programs for the city council.

It was thanks to the signing of an agreement Cooperation between the Commune and this League A new working cooperation has been established with the academic sector in the capital, where bilateral efforts will focus on sponsoring projects for physical rehabilitation of the elderly and people with disabilities, mental health care, addiction prevention, legal counseling and active mobility. This, especially in relation to the municipal DIF system (SMDIFand the Municipal Youth InstituteIJMP), with possible training and social service programs.

Ready to weave another alliance and open an opportunity for cooperation, the Mayor called for the participatory will of AUIEMSS and emphasized “We are at your service.” […] Because it is necessary to know how to listen to all the social actors, especially the educational and commercial ones.”

During the first working table with the association, it was also agreed to establish direct channels of communication with the Citizen Security Secretariat (ssc), in order to standardize crime prevention schemes and operations.Safe brokers“Near these educational institutions. Likewise, a potential scholarship scheme was discussed to bring the academic offer of these institutions to workers and their families in the municipal government.

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Since it was a space for collective and open dialogue, all the proposals made by the representatives of the participating universities were heard, as well as their observations regarding government actions that addressed the six core themes of Management: Puebla Shield, Contigo Mujer, Ciudad de 10, Impulsa Puebla, Médico Contigo and Children’s Stays.

Participate in this meeting Rossio Sanchez de la Vega EscalanteAdviser to the Chair of the Education, Science and Technology Committee; Consuelo Cruz Galindohead of the SSC; Carolina Morales GarciaSMDIF Director; Carla Martinez lettucedirector of the IJMP; Alejandro Canedo PriscaMinister of Economy and Tourism; Beside Myriam Arabian KotolinkMinister of Environment.

In addition to Gustavo Santín Nieto and Julián Germán Molina Carrillo, this meeting was also chaired by the directors, coordinators and administrators of Siglo XXI University, the Mexican University Center for Sciences and Humanities (CMUCH), CUP Xilotzingo and the Leonardo da Vinci Campus. On behalf of AUIEMSS. Puebla, Toltec University of Mexico, Institute of Languages, Universe Languages ​​AC, University of Cuauhtemoc, Institute of University of Boulanger, Puebla Institute of Legal Sciences, Institute of Puebla University, Institute of Trans Perchoral University, Roberto Canedo Martinez Graduate School of Tourism, Mexican Dental Center, Faculty of Communication and Humanities , Center for the Study of the Americas, Benito Juarez University, Institute of Legal Sciences of Puebla, and the Mexican Council of Geriatrics and Gerontology.

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