The democratic way is medicine for Peru: AMLO

Rafael Montes Mexico City / 21.12.2022 10:28:00 President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador confirmed that the “medicine”…

Tsunami caused by global warming

The results of a new study reveal that melted landslides under the sea, caused by global…

INAI appoints academics to the INE Committee

Mexico City. – The INAI Plenary appointed Academics María Esther Azuela Gómez and Sergio López Aylón…

UICEH launches call for teachers – El Sol de Tulancingo

The Intercultural University of the State of Hidalgo (UICEH) has launched a call for persons interested…

A great choice for aesthetic medicine linked to technology and aesthetics

With the essence of non-invasion, accompanied by a high-tech collection, he arrives in one of our…

Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences on Campus Cuenca, Daniel Palsaloper, is among the elite 0.1% of the most cited names in the world

The University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) is among the twenty Spanish universities that appear in the…

Doctors from outside the EU, which colleges represent them?

Angel Sanchez and Pablo Mejia. The Creation of departments for doctors from outside the European Union…

Christmas Mental Health: Tips for Taking Care of Your Emotional Health This December | healthy world

usually birthday It is often associated with a season of love, peace and happiness as the…

The traditional medicine event will be held in Acaxochitlán

On December 18th in Acaxochitlan, a traditional medicine claim event will be held in the Otomi-Tepehua-Nahuatl…

The Complutense University of Madrid calls Isabel Diaz Ayusu a “brilliant student”

On January 24, the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) will present a series of awards on…