Science and Society: They open a replica of a Glyptodont that promotes Alberti’s paleontological heritage

The President of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) Ana Franchi, together with the educational community of Alberti, Buenos Aires Province, celebrated the opening of Primary Education School No. 1 “Adriana Villa” for modeling of a Glyptodont found in the municipality. This work arose from the signing of a technical assistance agreement between the Council and the municipality of Alberti. The activity continued with a talk about fossils from the area by CONICET researcher Federico Agnolín, from the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences “Bernardino Rivadavia” (MACNBR, CONICET).

Franchi kicked off the tour with MACNBR Director Luis Cappozzo on Digital Alberti PointIt is a space that provides material, technical and educational resources to make information and communication technologies available to young people. There they talk with boys and girls about programming, robotics and simple science workshops they take part in. In addition, the municipality of Alberti appointed Anna Franchi and Luis Capuzzo as guests of honor.

In this context, Franchi thanked the joint work of the excavation group led by Council researcher Fernando Novas and the municipality of Alberti. “From CONICET we carry out various actions such as talks and workshops and we have many special spaces that promote science education. The participation of CONICET in Alberti is important so that the community can see part of our work, how science and technology affect lives and contribute to building a more just, inclusive and sovereign country “The Glyptodont Replica is another work that serves to inspire and encourage scientific vocations in young people. This is the first agreement we have with Alberti and we hope to have many more.”

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For his part, Mayor Germain Lago added: “As a result of the agreement and association with CONICET, the Department of Technology Interconnection, we arrived at the Science Museum and its scientific and technical team. This allowed us to enhance the preservation of the prehistoric findings and build a life-size replica. What we offer today is very important and motivating for us because it allows generations of neighbors to observe the fossil and its replica, which can generate some intrigues and internal questions that mobilize them to meet science, with history, with the past and can awaken calls in this sense. In this way, we also have the possibility to design public policies that incorporate science.”

The meeting made it possible to appreciate the importance of the technological connection to respond to society’s demands for science: the technical assistance between the CONICET research team Fernando Novas and the municipality of Alberti made it possible to prepare an almost exact replica. Dimensions of Glyptodon discovered in the region. Said modeling in specimen life will be the subject of training and workshops as well as leading scientific advocacy in paleontology.

Referring to this, Anolin stressed the importance of making a historical excursion: “Because the Alberti era did not begin about ten thousand years ago when Glyptodon appeared, but rather it is more than 2000 million years old. Emphasis on the latest findings including an explanation of what the characteristics are and all the scientific work on this glyptodon.

The day continued with a conversation about scientific knowledge and interests of students of secondary school No. 2, which consists of the science club “Albertinos”, and an excursion to the productive sector of the school of agricultural education No. 1.

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Franchi finished the day with a tour of the construction sites at the Alberti Astronomy Center.

The inauguration and visits were accompanied by the Municipality of Alberti, Mayor German Lago, Director of Heritage Promotion Hernán Ariel Cristobal and Undersecretary of the Government Daniela Albizati; The conference was attended by CONICET Director of Technology Connectivity Sergio Romano, member of the Coordination of Technologies for Inclusive Sustainable Development Joana Ababilasa, researchers Fernando Novas and Federico Agnolin, sculptor Juan Manuel Funes and municipal authorities.

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