Rachel Burdett’s hacks for organizing your home

Konmari method It promises to make us happier by simplifying the things around us. We learned about this revolutionary method by Marie Kondo thanks to her book system magic Already a Netflix series To order with Marie Kondo!, where the Japanese reveal her principles for having a more organized home. Now, Britain’s Rachel Burdett is trying to compete with the lady of order with her advice on cleaning and organizing the house.

Six years ago, Burditt set up his own organizing company “Diclaughter darling” (Tweet embedInspired by Marie Kondo. At first, he was dedicated to sharing his tricks in Facebook groups, until he was able to get his clients who were willing to pay €35 an hour for his work. “I’ve seen some things that have turned my stomach. People forget that I’m a professional organizer, not a cleaner. I’ve come across everything from Mountains of stool and vomit “Even food leftovers from a month ago were hidden under the sofa,” he told the newspaper. the sunBut I will never turn down a challenge. I won’t leave the room until it looks perfect.”he added.

The 40-year-old woman is a former fashion merchandiser and She lives with her husband and two daughters In Lutterwoth, a small town in the county of Leicestershire (England). In just six years, she has managed to enter the homes of celebrities in the UK and organize her huge collections of handbags and designer clothes.

In this Instagram video, he shows how to fold a fitted sheet correctly and without difficulty. The title reads “Tell me I’m not the only one who feels these things are his archenemy!”

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here they are Top 5 Tips for Rachel Burdett To live in a clean and tidy house.

Clean items you don’t use regularly

It may be obvious, but many of the items we don’t use often, we forget about and don’t remember are worth cleaning up. For example, the cosmetics, spices, herbs, rice, and oils we keep in the kitchen tend to spend a lot of time in the cupboard after their expiration date.

Divide by categories, not rooms

Gather all the clothes in your home in one place. It’s a great way to fully understand how much of a particular item you have. Burditt notes that most items tend to fall into the following categories: clothes, books, documents, photos, food, toys, and more.

Find a good storage space

Make sure you have a good storage system to maximize space. In particular, Rachel loves to use baskets, chests, and, in general, all the compartments we find at Ikea.

Learn how to organize your home with Rachel Burdett

Don’t stress and set schedules

If you don’t like how it looks, don’t worry. Nobody can achieve perfection. Rachel recommends when to order. Of course, the room can take more than a day, but the result is worth it.

Ask for help if you need it

Arranging the house is a very complex task. So much so that it can ruin our patience. If this happens, don’t be afraid to ask family and friends for help or go to a professional if you need it.

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