Provincial government calls for free exams for bachelor’s degrees for more than 20 years in the arts, sciences, humanities, and social sciences

The Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha (DOCM) publishes on Monday a decision of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports according to which Free tests for undergraduate degrees in arts, sciences, humanities and social sciences curricula in the area.

Persons who are at least 20 years old on the day of their detention, who hold the title of graduate of compulsory secondary education or its teaching equivalent for academic purposes and who do not have a bachelor’s title or its equivalent for academic purposes.

People who want to register for these exams can submit their application through the form which will be available in both of them Education portal of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha ( and at the headquarters of the regional administration ( It can also be submitted in person at the Central Service Register of the Ministry or the Regional Education Commissions.

The application period will open From June 6 to June 23, both inclusive.

he July 14th Provisional lists of persons admitted and excluded are posted at Headquarters centres. Applicable acknowledgments, validations and waivers will also appear in said listings, allowing for a three business day period for submitting claims. Once this period has elapsed and claims have been settled, On July 21, the final lists will be announced..

According to the Council, these examinations, which will be face to face, over two consecutive days on September 5 and 6 In both morning and afternoon sessions. In principle, two offices have been enabled for this purpose, which will be located at IES ‘Alfonso VIII’ in Cuenca and in ‘Brianda de Mendoza’ in Guadalajara.

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Test scores will be published on September 11 in test centers and on the EducamosCLM platform. Said ratings can be appealed within two business days after they are published. Once the ratings that are the subject of the claim have been certified or corrected, the final ratings will be published on September 19th.

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