PRI and Morena contested victory in 4 states; PAN boasts an advantage in Querétaro

At the conclusion of the country’s first ballot, the leaders of the Constitutional Revolutionary Party and Morena held conferences at which, according to their opinion polls, they confirmed that their candidates had an advantage. Campeche, Michoacan, Zacatecas and Colima, while the PAN party boasted of its victory in Querétaro.

The PRI leader, Alejandro Moreno, asserted that his candidates for governor had an advantage in eight states: Nuevo Leon, Campeche, Tlaxcala, Zacatecas, Michoacán, Guerrero, San Luis Potosi, Colima.

The Va por México coalition was a successful one. It is clear that we will win most of the states in which we are allied. It is a result of the total effort, Moreno said on one occasion, and assured that they will fully respect the results.

Read more: Samuel Garcia and Adrian de la Garza declared winners for Governor of Nuevo Leon

Morena national leader Mario Delgado, for his part, said the party has an irreversible advantage in Morena states. Zacatecas, Guerrero, Tlaxcala, Michoacan, Colima and Campeche.

Although he said they could not anticipate the electoral authorities, Delgado gave a brief message in which he emphasized that “we can tell them we are doing very well to retain the majority,” referring to the Parliament.

Moments later, he said “We have achieved victory” in Nayarit and Sinaloa, “by a very big advantage,” while “we’re up” in Chihuahua and Baja California Sur. He also stated that they won in Sonora and Baja California.

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Discover: Campeche and NL closed, with no clear winner; Morena with advantage in Zacatecas and Tlaxcala: funder survey

For his part, Marco Cortes, President of the Bar Association, said, He noted that the party won in QueretaroAnd that there is a closed competition in San Luis Potosi, Michoacan, Campeche, Zacatecas and Colima.

Later, he said we would “win” in Baja California Sur and in Chihuahua.

The leaders of the PRI and PAN agreed that Morena and his allies They will lose the eligible majority in this election.

Green Environment Party of Mexico (PVEM) He was declared the winner in San Luis Potosi.

Jesus Zambrano, President of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, said that according to preliminary data, the Va por México coalition won a victory in Michoacán and that they certainly won in Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Guerrero, Tlaxcala, Campeche and Queretaro. .

‘They are not responsible’

After messages from party leaders and some candidates, electoral advisor Sero Murayama said that “the votes were not counted” and that “Those who at this moment declare themselves winners are irresponsible.”

“The first accurate information about the states will be the quick statistics of the National Institute of Statistics,” he said on his Twitter account.

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