“Plato’s Encounter with Darwin”, Essay on Reconciling the Sciences and the Humanities

In 1959, writer Charles Percy Snow gave a famous lecture in Cambridge entitled “Two Cultures”. He points out that the scientific and literary cultures have separated and that this abyss prevents any social transformation that leads, for example, to bridging the gap between the rich and the poor.

This text is reproduced and jointly published by Les Belles Lettres An original article that somehow suggests correcting that observation. This “new alliance,” proposed by Vincent Le Pease, uses the terminology of an article written in 1979 by the chemist Elia Prigogine and the philosopher Isabelle Stingers, but seeks to expand it. As the two Belgian authors brought man back to nature to reduce division, Vincent Le Pease tries to unify the two, as they are seen as two systems that obey laws that are not alike, but at least alike.

This subtle difference avoids the trap of forceps connections that consist of applying so-called scientific methods to the socio-economic things that have led to resounding failures, such as eugenics or lyricism.

Basic complexity

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the parallels between natural science, which has evolved into greater complexity, the transition from classical physics to statistical physics, then to biology, the evolution of humans and their very societies, and this, here too, is in motion. Towards greater complexity. This last term is more than just a qualification to say that it is complex. This is one of the basic characteristics of these two “systems”, as characteristics cannot be inferred on one scale from the characteristics on the following scale. This is seen both in the phenomena of the transition phase and in the movements of the masses that loom in the stadium or in the orderly flight of a cloud of starlings.

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Therefore, Vincent Le Pease mobilizes scientific knowledge about complex systems to find out what they can say about societies. In general, the theory of evolution allows us to understand progress without end. The definition of living or not refers to a concept Selective permeability, which allows consideration of open companies with restrictions. Game theory teaches that cooperation can exist in competition. Thermodynamics explains the fatal danger of imagining yourself in a closed system with a deadly fate. Facing the political terminology of globalization, decline, protectionism, and government … Therefore, each chapter is based on a balance between the authors and ideas from the scientific and humanitarian fields.

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