Order change schedule 2022

Driving changecomments

The day has come and Gabriel Borek will assume the presidency on the 11th of March in an important ceremony.

Driving change 2022
© First AgencyDriving change 2022

east Friday March 11 will be held Changing driving in Chilewhere the new President-elect Gabriel Borek Will take over the government of Chile, which will be handed over by the current President of the Republic Sebastian Pinera.

This ceremony will be performed as usual, in Hall of Honor of the National CongressThe event will count 500 guestswhich greatly reduces the capacitance due to COVID-19 pandemic.

So this Friday Gabriel will become one of the youngest presidents in Chilean history With only 36 years and Sebastian Pinerawill finish 1416 days who remained in the presidency.

If you want to know more about Driving changeThen we tell you all the details.

When will the leadership change in Chile?

The Changing driving in Chile It will be held on Friday, March 11th at Hall of Honor of the National Congress at 12:00 pm.

Where can I watch live the change of driving in Chile?

The Driving change It will be broadcast across the country on TVN, Mega, Chilevisión, Channel 13 and CNN on TV. While you will be able to watch by streaming online signals for each channel and by Here by RedGol.


7 (James)
7.1 (James)
5.1 (Arica)
10.1 (Iquique)
6.1 (Antofagasta)
7.1 (copiapo)
4.1 (La Serena Coquimbo)
12.1 (Greater Valparaíso)
12.1 (Rancagua)
10.1 (talk)
4.1 (great concept)
7.1 (Temoko)
3.1 (Valdivia)
4.1 (Puerto Montt)

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VTR: 19 (Santiago) / 707
DirecTV: 149/1149
Movistar: 119/807
Survey: 53/553
Go: 19
Your HD: 55
Intel: 64
World: 14/514
GTD / Telsur: 19/25


9 (James)
9.1 (James)
3.1 (Arica)
2.1 (Iquique)
9.1 (Antofagasta)
11.1 (La Serena Coquimbo)
5.1 (Greater Valparaíso)
12.1 (talk)
2.1 (great concept)
5.1 (Temoko)
8.1 (Valdivia)
2.1 (Puerto Montt-Puerto Varas)
10.1 (Quehaihe)
13.1 (Punta Arenas)

VTR: 20 (Santiago) / 709
DirecTV: 150/1150
Movistar: 120/809
Survey: 54/554
Go: 20
Your HD: 56
Intel: 65
World: 16/516
GTD / Telsur: 20 (GTD) / 26 (Telsur)


11 (James)
11.1 (James)
9.1 (Arica)
4.1 (Iquique)
11.1 (Almonte well)
2.1 (sbeit)
7.1 (Antofagasta)
2.1 (Copiapo)
13.1 (Huasco)
5.1 (Valinar)
2.1 (La Serena Coquimbo)
8.1 (oval)
2.1 (Quillota-La Calera)
10.1 (Valparaíso)
10.1 (Rancagua)
5.1 (Bechelmo)
4.1 (Jawkins)
5.1 (Constitution)
11.1 (Chillan)
7.1 (Pregnancy)
5.1 (lipo)
2.1 (Angola)
11.1 (Temoko)
2.1 (Villarrica Pucon)
10.1 (Valdivia)
7.1 (Osorno)
10.1 (Puerto Montt)
7.1 (Punta Arenas)

VTR: 21 (Santiago) / 711
DirecTV: 151/1151
Movistar: 121/811
Survey: 55/555
Departure: 21
Your HD: 57
Intel: 66
World: 15/515
GTD / Telsur: 21/27

Channel 13

13 (James)
13.1 (James)
8.1 (Arica)
8.1 (Iquique)
13.1 (Antofagasta)
11.1 (copiapo)
13.1 (La Serena Coquimbo)
9.1 (Mount Al-Watan)
8.1 (San Felipe Los Andes)
9.1 (La Calera-Quillota)
8.1 (Greater Valparaiso)
10.1 (San Antonio)
8.1 (Rancagua)
5.1 (San Fernando)
8.1 (talk)
13.1 (Chillan)
5.1 (great concept)
10.1 (Angola)
4.1 (Temoko)
9.1 (Villarrica)
12.1 (Valdivia)
9.1 (Osorno)
13.1 (Puerto Montt)
6.1 (Quehaihe)
9.1 (Punta Arenas)

VTR: 22/713
DirecTV: 152/1152
Movistar: 122/813
Survey: 56/556
Departure: 22
Your HD: 58
Intel: 67
World: 17/517
GTD / Telsur: 22/28/813

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