Nicaragua congratulates Xi Jinping on his re-election as leader of the Communist Party of China

“We want to congratulate your people, the Palestinian Legislative Council, you and the members of the Politburo and the Central Committee, on this very important moment and your historic event towards the complete prosperity of socialism with Chinese characteristics,” highlights the Executive’s message.

Likewise, it asserts that the Asian giant has a fairly prosperous society, with rights and enjoyment of cultural, scientific and technological development, and in the daily lives of families.

Highlights “Brother, comrade and comrade Xi Jinping, receive compliments from blessed and always free Nicaragua, from the Sandinista National Liberation Front, which has completed 60 years of history of resistance and victories against imperial greed.”

The text, signed by President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo, adds that said salute is conveyed in the joy of sharing agreements and consensus for a just, peaceful, supportive and integrated world and for the common good.

And he affirms: “We congratulate ourselves on our history, our present, and God through our future relationships, each one contributing to its dimensions and space what we can, to continue changing the world, towards the good and the better that humanity deserves.”

Similarly, the document describes the Chinese people as great and guarantees the victory of their model and the victory of their party, “assuming and overcoming the challenges of all time.”


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