Neil deGrasse Tyson yells furiously about the argument for God’s existence: “Life is miserable!” | Science

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about God in 2017

The astrophysicist became known for his direct and often dogmatic approach to science. Recently, I got into a weird debate that celebrity Demi Lovato started after [Lovato identifies as non-binary] He claimed that it was “disrespectful” to call aliens “alien”. Upon hearing the comments, DeGrasse Tyson claimed the aliens “have no feelings”.

While he admitted that Lovato was “caring,” he questioned why Lovato thought the aliens would be offended in the first place.

“All the aliens I’ve met have no feelings,” he told TMZ.

He added that we do not know what “is going on in the heads of organisms on another planet”.

Exchange was a feature of Tyson’s scientific approach to Degras, with the former astrophysicist adopting a similar approach when discussing the existence of God.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: The world has shut down the argument for the existence of God (Image: CBS/GETTY)

Demi Lovato: The singer claimed it was offensive to refer to aliens as

Demi Lovato: The singer claimed it was offensive to refer to aliens as ‘aliens’ (Image: GETTY)

In 2017, during an interview with CBS, he brutally shut down any potential for a clever creator.

When asked if he believes in God, he replied: “The more I look at the universe, the less convinced I am that something good is going on.”

“If your conception of the Creator is someone who is all-powerful and all-good, not an uncommon mixture of powers that you can ascribe to your Creator, then I look at the disasters that befall the earth and life on earth.

“Volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, diseases, epidemics, and congenital birth defects, check out this list of ways that make life miserable on Earth due to natural causes.

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And I just ask: How do you deal with it?

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Science: Degrasse Tyson is known for his tireless approach to science

Science: DeGrasse Tyson is known for his tireless approach to science (Image: GETTY)

He went on to add that he had “no problem” if, upon further investigation, humans encountered something resembling a deity.

But he continued, “But, there is simply no evidence of that.

Which is why religions are collectively called religions, because you believe in something in the absence of evidence, that’s what it is!

“That is why it is called faith, otherwise we call all religions evidence.

But we don’t do it exactly for this reason.

Given what everyone describes as the characteristics that an almighty being might express in the deities they worship, I’m looking for that in the universe and can’t find it.

So I’m still not convinced.

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God: He said that all the miserable events on earth call into question the existence of the almighty and good God.

God: He said that all the miserable events on earth call into question the existence of the almighty and good God (Image: Youtube/CBS)

Pope Francis: Religious leaders affirm that God's presence is visible in everyday life

Pope Francis: Religious leaders affirm that God’s presence is visible in everyday life (Image: GETTY)

However, DeGrasse Tyson has previously admitted that he does not describe himself as an atheist.

This is because the definition of an atheist, he claimed, does not apply to him.

Speaking while appearing on the “PowerfulJRE” podcast in 2018, he said, “The debate and discussion about the meaning of things, to me, is how people use the word.

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That’s why I don’t describe myself as an atheist.

You can look up the definition of atheist in the dictionary and it applies to me, but what is the definition of atheist in practice?

“That’s what major atheists do and it’s their behavior and their behaviour, that’s what they say, it’s their attitude, that’s what an atheist is today because they are the most obvious examples of that word.

“I don’t agree with most of his behavior or I don’t share.

The Fermi Paradox: It is an attempt to answer the question of where aliens might be.

The Fermi Paradox: It’s an attempt to answer the question of where aliens might be (Image: Express Newspapers)

“I don’t argue with religious people and tell them they are stupid. It is none of my business to do so, and I do not cleanse myself of words that have a religious basis.

A year later, he returned to the topic of natural disasters in an interview with Penguin Books, questioning many’s claim that “wonderful phenomena” really indicate the existence of a god.

He said, “I don’t know if God exists, religious people are sure that he exists, he or that, but there are ardent atheists who are sure that God doesn’t exist either.”

“My position is, particularly in monotheistic traditions, that God is usually described as all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good.

Cosmos: De Grasse Tyson is perhaps best known for his role in presenting the documentary Cosmos

Cosmos: Degrace Tyson is perhaps best known for his role as the host of the documentary Cosmos (Image: GETTY)

“However, I look back through history, in particular, the Lisbon earthquake, in 1755, 80,000 people died.

“This earthquake happened on All Saints’ Day, in the morning, when most people in Lisbon, the holiest city in Europe, were in church.

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The churches were the largest buildings at the time, if an earthquake happened, what was the first building to collapse?

“These are the biggest and most vulnerable to that people died in churches.”

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