Nearly 800 hectares of forest fires have been affected in Costa Rica

Apr 9, 2021, 15: 2San Jose, April 9 (Prinsa Latina), Costa Rica recorded nearly 800 hectares affected by wildfires in Protected Wild Areas (ASP) in 2021, Luis Diego Roman, National Fire Management Program Coordinator, said today.

Roman said that in the first quarter of this year, 49 incidents were reported, of which 10 were in ASP, and 794 hectares were affected, and added that on Easter – from March 28 to April 4 – 12 fires were attended.

The official of the National System of Protected Areas (Sinac) hopes that April will be the month of the most active operationally in taking care of emergencies, which calls for avoiding forest fires and reporting any possibility.

He noted that the main affected province is Guanacaste in the northwest of the country, where five fires broke out that affected 775 hectares of various protected areas, according to the updated data as of April 4.

Roman said that in the face of climate change, they could face more dangerous seasons each year, due to modifications in the structure and drought conditions of vegetation, making it easier for them to burn more easily.

jcm / ale

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