NASA’s Creativity Helicopter is already on Mars

Helicopter NASA cleverness, Which arrived in February at Mars Attached to the underside of the Persevering Rover, it just detached from the car and is now Already on the surface of the red planetThe US Space Agency announced.

“Confirmed Mars helicopter landing!”

The NASA laboratory in charge of the mission on Twitter.

An Innovation helicopter has arrived stuck to the underside of the Perseverance Wagon. Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

How did you get to Mars?

This lightweight helicopter resembles a large drone, Reach folded and moored underneath Determination, Which landed on Mars on February 18thWhere it stayed until the rover arrived at the place where the journey should take place.

Its 293 million miles (471 million km) flight ended with this tiny 4-inch (10 cm) jump from the belly of the probe to the surface of Mars today. Next challenge: survive. “

The NASA laboratory in charge of the mission on Twitter.

A picture accompanying the tweet showed she was stalking away from the helicopter. The horizon should be completely clear in less than 25 hours since then The helicopter needs the sun to power its solar panels in order to survive by heating it up during the icy Martian nights..

The innovative helicopter is the size of a large unmanned aircraft. Photo: Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Up until this point, creativity was feeding on energy Rover, But from now on she should stand alone.

“There is a small cooler that allows you to keep the inside at around 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius) in the bitter cold of Mars night, where temperatures can drop to -130 degrees Fahrenheit (-90 degrees Celsius) … This protects the switch elements.” .

Bob Ballaram, Chief Engineer of the Mars Helicopter Project.

Creativity depended on the strength of the rover, but it had to really defend itself. Photo: Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

In the next two days, The ground team will verify that the solar panels are working as intended, With engines and sensors to begin testing at a later time before the first flight, which should not take place before April 11.

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