More prepared specialists in agricultural sciences

CECyTE-TBC Chiapas and Unach will collaborate to provide spaces for social service delivery and professional practices, among other training activities

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To strengthen cooperative relations in matters of social service and professional practices, the Director General and State Coordinator of the College of Scientific, Technological Studies and Community Distance Baccalaureate of Chiapas (CECyTE-TBC Chiapas), Sandro Hernández Pinion, and the Rector of the Autonomous Community of the University of Chiapas (UNACH), Carlos Faustino Natarin Nandayapa signed , specific cooperation agreement.

At the official ceremony held in the conference room of the Rector’s Office, Hernandez Pinion thanked the Rector of Onach University for the coordinated work so that the students of the majors of Soil and Fertilizers, Community Development and Agricultural Production Systems could carry out their assignments. Social service and professional practices at the College of Agricultural Sciences, Fourth Campus.

In his speech, Natarin Nandayappa emphasized that this act means more than just a signature, because it will allow a series of actions for the benefit of the development of students, but above all Chiapas.

In this context, the two institutions will work in a coordinated manner to promote the development of service extension activities, connectivity and dissemination of the fruit sector, agribusiness and tourism; Lending educational spaces and infrastructure to carry out academic activities, according to their availability and internal guidelines of each institution. The document will be valid for three years from the date of its signing.

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