Monday, the day with the highest number of heart attacks

Researchers from the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland revealed today that fatal heart attacks are more likely than at any other time of the week.

According to experts, science is still unable to explain why this phenomenon occurs, and they point out that myocardial infarction is the most dangerous of all. The same thing happens when the main coronary artery is completely blocked.

They note that it requires prompt evaluation and treatment to minimize damage to the heart, and is usually performed by emergency angioplasty, a procedure to reopen a blocked coronary artery.

The researchers found a peak in the rate of heart attacks of this type at the beginning of the work week, with rates higher on Monday.

The cause is likely to be multifactorial; Although specialists lean towards a theory related to the circadian element.

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark, and affect most organisms, including animals, plants, and microbes.

Chronobiology is the study of circadian rhythms. An example of a circadian rhythm linked to light is sleeping at night and being awake during the day.

The scientists commented: “This research adds to the evidence regarding when particularly severe heart attacks occur, but now we need to unravel what it is about certain days of the week that make them more likely.”

Experts emphasized that this can help health workers better understand this deadly disease in order to save more lives in the future.

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