Misiones already has its own digital currency

The Council of Representatives of Missions has approved the so-called “Missionary Financial Innovation Program with Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology.”

The House of Representatives approved the so-called “Missionary Financial Innovation Program Using Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency.” This was reported by the Department of Finance, Finance, Works and Public Services of that province.

According to what was published, Mision punished in this way a الطريقة Conceptual framework for the development of these digital tools. “The spirit of this law, the development and implementation of which is being studied by a multidisciplinary team, of which the Minister of Finance, Adolfo Severn, is a member, It is based on a long-term strategic vision On the growing importance of technology blockchain and its financial application (cryptocurrency),” they detailed.

General goals

Among the general objectives, the new law identifies three main sets of priorities, as stated by the Ministry of Finance, Finance, Public Works and Services

Blockchain Application in information management Within and between the different areas of government administration, a goal that responds to the need to digitize information (i.e. “paperback removal”) in a reliable, transparent, secure and traceable manner and, moreover, in an environmental manner.

Create for missions a stable cryptocurrency (stable currency) which, like other traditional financial instruments, allows the province to obtain Financing and other transaction tool With private and public entities in the country and the world.

Incorporation in a transparent, traceable and accurate manner بطريقة (Through blockchain technology) The translation into the economic values ​​of the ecological contributions that Misiones has made as a provider of ecosystem resources to the region and the world. (…]This initiative aims to create a green certificate or voucher, backed by information stored in the blockchain, that is reliably and unchanged responsible for the carbon footprint absorbed daily by every hectare of the missionary forest.

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When Governorate Start issuing these assets green certificatesThis can be done in a traditional way (through paper government securities or bonds) or it can be issued digitally using technology blockchainAccording to Cointelegraph.com.

private cryptocurrency

More and more countries are beginning to implement their own plans to create their own electronic currencies based on blockchain technology, Such as Canada, Japan, Sweden, Russia, the United Kingdom and even the Bahamas and Venezuela, which announced in February the creation of a digital bolivar.

The most advanced in this regard is China, which is accelerating the implementation of the digital yuan, officially called e-CNY, with the participation of local companies and announcing its imminent arrival with new beta tests in cities across the country.

Now, a new country is joining the trend of the so-called CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency, for its English acronym). This is the United Arab Emirates, which confirmed the development of a plan to launch its own digital currency in the country, whose implementation is expected to start in 2023 and be completed in 2026, according to a report from the Gulf website. News.

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