Ministry of Economy: Peru and the United Kingdom conclude negotiations on an agreement to eliminate double taxation | Income | Trade | Latest | Economy

he Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru (MEF) It was reported that a few years later, negotiations were concluded with the UK HMRC on an agreement for the elimination of double taxation (CDI).

The two countries are expected to sign this treaty in the coming months. Once you sign, CDI It will be implemented in both countries as soon as the procedures required by their internal legislation for its entry into force are completed.

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What is CDI?

The DTA is a bilateral treaty that sets out how each country taxes… Cross-border incomeHow will it prevent tax evasion and how will it provide relief from double taxation? Moreover, the aforementioned treaty stipulates: Limits to how each country’s domestic legislation can tax cross-border income Such as dividends, interest and royalties.

British and Peruvian companies have requested this agreement. Your company will play an important role in increasing… commerce Cross-border and investment, providing long-term certainty and stability to businesses on both sides and improving our bilateral relationship.

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According to standards

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