Mexico signed a bilateral health agreement with the Cuban Health Emergency System despite previous controversy

President Lopez Obrador met Cuban dictator Diaz Canel at the Palace of the Revolution on his last day of a working tour abroad (Photo: Twitter @ PresidenciaCuba)
President Lopez Obrador met Cuban dictator Diaz Canel at the Palace of the Revolution on his last day of a working tour abroad (Photo: Twitter @ PresidenciaCuba)

The Mexican government has signed a bilateral cooperation agreement in the field of health with the Cuban regime In order to combat health emergencies. This is despite the controversy raised in 2020 by Hiring Cuban doctors Mexico to fight the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 250 million pesos allocated.

On the last day of his work Business tour abroad – which began on May 5, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador held a meeting with Cuban dictator Miguel Diaz-CanelIn the Palace of the Revolution, where he was received with distinction.

At the ceremony, presided over Minister of Health, Jorge Alcoser VarelaMexico, and Admiral Jose Rafael Ojeda Duran, Secretary of the Navyon the Cuban side, as well as the authorities of the Cuban regime.

This agreement expresses the desire to strengthen the historical ties between the Cuban regime and the Mexican government, as well as to intensify bilateral activities, Strengthening cooperation in the face of the damage caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic and cooperation in dealing with health crises and epidemics.

AMLO's meeting with Díaz-Canel is part of his overseas tour, which began May 5 (Image: Twitter @ PresidenciaCuba)
AMLO’s meeting with Díaz-Canel is part of his overseas tour, which began May 5 (Image: Twitter @ PresidenciaCuba)

However, it should be remembered that some agreements have already been concluded between the two countries in the field of health, some of which have been subject to severe criticism. It was one of the strategies of the Lopez Obrador government in the face of the current pandemic Appointment of 588 Cuban doctors, more than 255 million pesos were allocated to them.

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Formerly known askobat“, After the coordinator of the National Action Party (PAN) in the Senate of the Republic, Julen Rementería, presented an investigation into the case, in which he indicated that the aforementioned doctors were unqualified, calling them “pseudo-doctors”. .

Under the pretext that they are “specialist employees”, The Health Welfare Institute (INSAPI) transferred 135 million 875,000 pesos to the metropolitan government For the care of coronavirus patients on April 21, 2020. Three days later, CDMX signed another semi-annual agreement with the Cuban regime for 103 million 638 thousand 266.40 pesos.

Accordingly, the member of the PAN requested information on the amount of salaries awarded to Cuban doctors, as well as a copy of their professional titles, the accreditation of their profession in Mexico and the medical units to which they were sent, since December of that year this was announced by the President of the Capital Claudia Sheinbaum 500 doctors in Cuba are already working in public institutions in Sedena, Semar, IMSS and ISSSTE.

In this sense, Rementeria indicated that It cost almost every Mexican to appoint Cuban doctors for three months 437 thousand and 390 pesoswhen a qualified doctor in Mexico earns about 17 thousand pesos in IMSS.

The government would have hired Cuban doctors without a degree in treating COVID-19.
The government would have hired Cuban doctors without a degree in treating COVID-19.

Despite a request for information from the National Institute of Migration, the CDMX government and the National Medical Arbitration Commission regarding the accreditation of 585 Cuban doctors, He said no subordination to obtain the required documentsarguing that it is the responsibility of the Cuban Ministry of Health to disclose this information.

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The amount awarded by Insabi covers the costs of training, advice and joint investigation, as well as the salaries of medical personnel.. Accommodation was supported by donations from the hoteliers from CDMX.

Despite the controversy caused by the appointment, The Mexican foreign minister expressed his gratitude to the Cuban doctors for their “support” to Mexico To counter the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our gratitude is always with you,” Marcelo Ebrard wrote in July 2020 on his social networks.

On the other hand, it is worth noting that President Lopez Obrador’s visit to Cuba is part of the last day of his tour of Central America and the Caribbean that began on May 5.He held meetings with his counterparts from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Belize.

Among the main topics covered, the social programs “Sembrando Vida” and “Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro” stand out, as well as mainly cross-border security, trade and immigration.

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