Lohengren Kavers, Municipal Science Prize 2022: “This is a tribute to the work team”

Academician in the Department of Botany of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Oceanography of the University of Concepción and Principal Investigator of the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB), Dr Lohengrin Cavieres, received the Municipal Prize for Science from Concepción Municipal 2022, for his distinguished career and contribution through scientific research to the conservation and protection of biodiversity .

Dr. Cavers earned his BA and Ph.D. degrees from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Chile. He joined the University of Concepción in 1998, where he is currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Botany in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Oceanography.

His most relevant scientific contributions have been in the field of botany and in lines of research in the ecology, ecology and biogeography of the plants of Chile, and his numerous publications and articles in the specialized scientific media have made him one of the most cited scholars in your region. In addition to participating in about 43 research projects funded by national and international agencies, he is a member of various national and foreign scientific committees.

Because of their quality and prestige, they are required for national-level interviews and opinions on issues related to biodiversity protection, the impacts of climate change on our biodiversity, and the benefits of mountain ecosystems, among others.

In an interview with Nuestra Pauta, Dr. Cavieres confirmed that the award “I don’t receive it as I receive it, a professor who runs a lab, but it is, I feel, an appreciation from the staff that has been testing mountain plants for many years”.

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The researcher delved into the work done with the team he leads, explaining that “It is exciting to see how life is making its way in very difficult conditions for humans.”.

Likewise, he highlighted the importance of studying these phenomena in the context of climate change.

In this sense, Dr. Cavers took on the challenge of generating awareness regarding Vital Services Performed by mountain plants in the natural environment.

The award-winning researcher also referred to other issues of interest to the national scientific community. Cavers stated that it is necessary to advance to a larger number of protected areas in the central region of the country, a task in which the private sector can complement the work of public entities.

Finally, regarding the changes in the institutional framework and the increase in the science budget, the academician stated that despite the progress made, ‘We still deserve’. In this regard, it was mentioned that the concern is “bottleneck” that arise between doctoral and post-doctoral student training and subsequent employment opportunities “winding”.

Check out the full interview:

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