Kirby and the Forgotten Land is the series’ best debut in the UK

Kirby and the Forgotten Land It is the best selling game in physical terms over the past week in the UK. The first Nintendo Switch game Kirby In a 3D world, it also became the best-selling character in the country, selling 2.5 times more than the movie premiere Kirby Star Allies for 2018 for the same console. It’s the first time this has been done Kirby It is positioned at number one for sales in this list.

Kirby and the Great Forgotten Land

Only with this first week’s sales Kirby and the Forgotten Landto become The 5th best-selling game in the series in the UKa little behind Kirby’s Adventure Wei and Kirby and rainbow brush Wii U. Traditionally Kirby It’s been one of the UK’s least successful Nintendo stories, so the last adventure we analyzed a few days ago could be a turning point for the pink ball on its 30th anniversary.

The second place goes to another novelty from the past seven days, Wonders of Tiny Tina. Physical sales are low for the saga, it doesn’t even reach 10% of its debut Borderlands 3 In 2019, but 2K Games probably didn’t expect the same performance either. it’s a Role Sales in digital distribution may account for the majority of units sold. In physical terms, 52% from PS5, 25% from Xbox Series, 15% from PS4, and 8% from Xbox One.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands sells a little to Borderlands, but it will live up to 2K Games’ expectations.

Ghost Wire: Tokyo PS5 and PC are ranked 11with 80% less units than Evil Within 2, the previous Tango Gameworks game, but again the success rating will depend on digital distribution, a fact that will be known at the end of the week. The latest addition to the list is Rune Factory 5 For Nintendo Switch, which has achieved 80% more sales than Rune Factory 4 Special.

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Top 10 best selling games in the UK over the past week

1. Kirby and the Forgotten Land
two. Wonders of Tiny Tina
3. elden ring
four. Grand Touring 7
5. Pokemon Legends Arceus
6. FIFA 22
7. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
8. WWE 2K22
9. Forbidden horizon west
10. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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