Israel kills dozens of civilians in the Gaza Strip while waiting for humanitarian aid to arrive

Desperate civilians run among the corpses searching for survivors on the highway Dair Al Balahin the middle Gaza strip. There, Israeli aircraft left at least nine people dead as a result of a projectile falling during the distribution of food supplies.

This was not the only attack that occurred in recent hours against civilians waiting for humanitarian aid. To the north, in Gaza CityThe wounded continue to arrive at the hospital, as Israel killed dozens of people who were waiting for bags of flour.

Simultaneous attacks remind us of another attack last week, also in the north, near Jabaliamassacre left 117 civilians killed, with machine guns from battle tanks. “The wounds show it People were shot directly “At that moment,” denounces a doctor from a nearby hospital, an account disputed by the Israeli army.They died trampled They were injured when they attacked the aid convoy.” Hajarispokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces.

With its already distinctive mystery, United State The note does not follow in this event. He added, “Hungry and desperate people approached humanitarian aid trucks just to try to get food, and were met with gunfire.” Kamala HarrisVice President of the United States.

My daughter has died. It lacks potassium, magnesium and all salts“, a mother denounces as she caresses the body of her recently deceased minor daughter. At least 15 minors have died from malnutrition and dehydration in the north of the country. Gaza strip.

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