Internists demand training in autoimmune diseases

Jesús Díez Manglano, President of SEMI, and Salvador García Morillo, Coordinator of the 14th Meeting of the Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Group (Geas).

This Thursday, October 21, the fourteenth meeting of Systemic autoimmune disease group (GEAS) from Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI), the meeting that runs through Friday, October 22. In his opening speech, Jesus Diez ManglanoSEMI President wanted to emphasize and thank for the great effort of all the internists at covid-19 pandemic.

“We carry a A really hard year and a half And intense everywhere Internal MedicineThere was no specialist who did not have to take care of these patients COVID-19Nor did he suffer any change in his life professional or personalManglano confirmed.

“We must promote the formation of systemic autoimmune diseases”

The President took the opportunity to emphasize the Importance What does the group have? GEAS for Simi, since” autoimmune diseases It’s really important and it’s in the field esoteric“.

“To do this, we need to restart all activities that have been done so far, starting with the third edition of the MSc Autoimmune Diseases program at SEMI,” Manglano urged attendees.

Educational activities about autoimmune diseases

on your side, Salvador Garcia Murillo, Coordinator of the 14th GEAS meeting, he encouraged the internists present despite our recent difficulties: “We are living in a transitional moment but we should be proud of all that this group has achieved so far.”

Along the same lines, he called for “strengthening the various educational activities and making more clear the values ​​and vision of Geas, which have been successful so far”.

“As we have done for many years, GEAS and SEMI will continue to work together so that these activities continue,” Manglano announced.

Although it may contain statements, statements or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader be consulted on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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