How to sell B2C online in the post-Brexit UK.

ICEX Spain for export and investmentthrough the eMarketServices area, organizes along with The commercial office of Spain in London Webinar to explain The main issues in international B2C online sales after the UK leaves the European Union, which will occur Next Wednesday, November 30th.

This webinar will explain the current panorama of the online context in the UK, how to carry out logistics and customs formalities, and how to solve tax issues.

For this, they will have cooperation AvasekIt is a company specializing in UK tax issuesHowever Mailwho will talk about how to solve logistics implications. In addition, the Spanish company will be present Sesderma currently selling online in the UKAnd exchange experiences and recommendations to overcome the difficulties involved in the new situation.

You can check files UK e-country report 2022 To know the details of the current panorama in advance.

You can also check Two documents attached The commercial office of Spain in London About the administration of value added tax in the UK To promote content:

– E-commerce in the United Kingdom: selling through its online store.

UK e-commerce: sales through marketplaces.

Webinar program:
– ICEX support services for online internationalization.
– The implications of Britain’s exit from the European Union in online commerce.
– The logistics of e-commerce in the post-Brexit UK.
Taxation of online sales in the UK.
– Success story of a Spanish company selling online in the UK: Sesderma.
– questions and answers.

Working hours: from 10:00 am to 11:30 am

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The webinar is free. Register here!

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