How to run a RAM test on a Windows 11 PC

Want to test your RAM, but don’t know how? Don’t worry, because we’ll explain it to you below.

How to run a RAM test on a Windows 11 PC
Find out all the ways to test your Windows 11 computer’s RAM.

You may not know it, but all components of your computer do You may fail at some point of its productive life. In some cases it can be restored, but in others you will have to change it. An example is the random access memory (RAM), which is one of the main elements for the operation of the device and which is also not without problems.

Many times, These problems can be expected in this memory with the diagnosis. And the best way to do this is with a tester that tests its performance and shows you an analysis. For this reason, we have prepared this post in which we will tell you about all the ways to perform this test.

Why test RAM on a PC

Find out why you should test your RAM from time to time, especially after you've tried some "symptoms"

Find out why you should test your RAM from time to time, especially after experiencing some “symptoms”

ram It is an essential component of a computer’s operation.. Additionally, it is essential that you know the amount of them you need according to your needs. But choosing one also requires that you take the time to analyze what types of RAM are out there and which are suitable for your devices.

As mentioned, RAM is one component that can fail, but it can be caught before it gets bad. For this, it is necessary to resort to a test with which you can find out if it is correct.

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periodically It might be a good idea to run a RAM test on your computer, since in this way you can be sure that it is not some kind of failure that may endanger the stability of the system. And as a curious fact, in general, this component usually shows symptoms that affect the user experience of the device.

Ways to run a RAM test on a Windows 11 computer

You should know that there are several ways to perform a RAM test on your Windows 11 computer, and in this way, you will be able to Verify that this component is working as it should. In addition, these tests will analyze their performance and show you the results of the analysis so that you can make a decision.

We will tell you in the following lines How to test RAM With a tool that Windows comes with, but also with third-party software.

Using the Windows Diagnostic Tool

The Windows Diagnostics tool will allow you to test your RAM and detect problems

The Windows Diagnostics tool will allow you to test your RAM and detect problems

Windows, as an operating system, includes a lot of very useful tools with which you can diagnose problems with different components of your computer. one of these It also allows you to test your RAM To detect possible errors in its operation.

The best part is that It is a reliable tool This is built into the operating system. And if you want to use it, you have to follow these steps.

  • The first thing is to press the key combination Windows + R..
  • In this search box, you must enter the term mdsched.exe.
  • This will start the tool Windows Memory Diagnostics.
  • In this interface, you will need to select the option Now restart and check for problems.
  • After that, the device will reboot and ask you to press the key F1.
  • Next, you will have to select the type of test you want to perform on your RAM, be it basic, standard, or extended.
  • For a more comprehensive analysis, an extended test should ideally be specified, although it will take longer.
  • Upon completion, the operating system will restart again and display a notification of the results of the analysis.
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with MemTest

MemTest is a great tool for testing RAM and finding problems

MemTest is a great tool for testing RAM and finding problems

If the previous method does not seem sufficient or reliable to you, then you should know Have a third party tool designed to test your RAM and discover problems. Plus, it’s free.

Although it is true that there are many programs for this purpose, this time we have chosen MemTest, which is available in two versions, one free and one paid.

The free version of this program It will be enough to test your RAM And check out its working. You simply have to download and install the tool and follow the steps that appear. In the end, it will also provide you with the result that you will have to analyze and make decisions.

Download MemTest

What to do if an error is detected after performing a RAM test

This is what you can do if your RAM diagnostics detects a problem

This is what you can do if your RAM diagnostics detects a problem

One of the most tragic scenarios when performing a RAM test is that in the results, You show some error.

If there is a problem with the RAM, The only thing you can do is replace it with a new one. Although, before, you should make sure that this unit is connected correctly. And remember, if you change this component, it must be compatible with your motherboard. Although, in case you have knowledge in this field, you can try to fix it yourself, either by adjusting the clocks.

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