How to install Android 12 on a compatible mobile phone

If you have one of these phones, you can now install Android 12. We explain how to do it step by step.

Android 12 is here. The new version of the operating system is available for download and installation, and it brings with it a good number of interesting news that many Android device owners will welcome with open arms.

Instead of waiting for the final release of Android 12 – something that will happen in the summer of 2021 – it is now possible Install Android 12 on some compatible mobile phones. Today we explain how to do it step by step.

Android 12

Android 12 is the new version of Google’s operating system.

What devices are compatible with Android 12?

During the beta phase for developers and advanced users, Android 12 can only be installed on Google Pixel series devices. And not all of them, since neither 2016 nor the Pixel 2 series models are compatible with the latest version of the system.

  • Google Pixel 5
  • Google Pixel 4a (5G)
  • Google Pixel 4a
  • Google Pixel 4XL
  • Google Pixel 4
  • Google Pixel 3a XL
  • Google Pixel 3a
  • Google Pixel 3 XL
  • Google Pixel 3
Pixel 4a phone.

The Pixel 4a is one of the phones that is compatible with Android 12.

Some brands too They announced Android 12 Beta compatibility with their devices. Either way, the update installation process is the same.

Android 12 Beta 2 is now available: all the news and how to update

Install Android 12 manually

Before you start seeing a file Steps to install Android 12, it is convenient to make sure that we meet a prerequisite, such as installing drivers for our device – usually installed automatically when the mobile phone is connected to the computer for the first time – on a computer, also like ADB drivers.

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I did this, which will also work on the implementation Other advanced actions on Android, we can go on.

Android 12 Beta can be installed in several different ways: Through your OTA file, or through full factory picture. In this case, we choose the first option, although the process is the same in any case and only Type of file to download. With that, we can start:

  • The first will be Download the OTA package corresponding to your device. All of them are available at Web for Android Developers, categorized according to the device they belong to, the date and version they are based on.
  • Connect your device to your computer with USB debugging is enabled And through the command window (CMD on Windows, Terminal on macOS or Linux), execute the instructions adb devices. If the device serial number appears, everything is correct to proceed.
  • Turn off the phone and boot to bootloader mode Manually – usually by holding down the power and volume buttons while powering on – or with the command “adb reboot bootloader”.
  • Now you have to Getting into recovery mode: To do this, scroll down through the device’s volume keys until you are at the top of Recovery Mode, and access it using the Power button on the device.
  • The device will restart, although it will boot to a screen showing a file Andy’s photo next to a red warning sign. You will have to press and hold the power buttons and, after about a second, to increase the volume, to be able to enter the system recovery.
  • By navigating through the volume keys, we must position ourselves above the option “Apply Update from ADB”It is accessed through the power button. Now we can proceed with the OTA installation from the command window.
  • On the computer, inside the command window and the device is still connected via USB, you will have to use the command adb sideload [ARCHIVO OTA].zoom, Being [ARCHIVO OTA] The path of the downloaded update file. If everything is correct, we will see how to start the installation process.
  • Once done, the device will automatically restart, booting into the new version of the system we just installed.
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That’s it. When the process is completed, it will be possible to start Enjoy the news of Android 12. Once Google releases the next initial versions, it won’t be necessary Repeat this process, but each update will arrive via OTA.

The 164 mobile phones that will receive Android 12, and when.

Instalar Android 12 Beta

It is also possible Installar Android 12 Beta Via the Android 12 beta program. This is Easier and faster process to install Android 12Since it is enough to get to the software site, log in with our Google account and select the device to update.

Once this is done, the update will reach the device via OTA when available, same with future versions which will last until the final version is published.

Related topics: Android

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