How safe are physical activities: They analyzed the injury risks of 61 sports and exercises.

Most sports and physical activities have a very low chance of causing serious injury, a British study says.
Most sports and physical activities have a very low chance of causing serious injuries, a British study says.

(Health Day News) — Exercise Many offer Health benefitsand Risks Surprisingly small, according to a new study from Harvard University. UKThis work demonstrates that participation in Physical activities Overwhelmingly A Safe and useful activity“The study’s co-author, Dr. Sean Williamsresearcher in Center for Health and Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sports The follower University of Bath.

“Although there is nothing Physical activity Completely free of Risksthe possibility of suffering a Serious injury Very low compared to countless others. Health and wellness benefits which is obtained by keeping pedigreedAnd he continued Williams In a press release from the university.

The five-year study found that even forms of exercise that the public sometimes considers risky, such as road cyclingis generally safe. The study data came from Hospitals in England and Wales.

The researchers found that between 2012 and 2017, their number reached nearly 12,000. traumatic injuries Resulted from Sports and exerciseThe study included 61 Sports and other physical activities To provide comparable estimates for Risks to participants: Running, golf, dance classes, gym sessions Activities were less likely to result in injury.

Running, golf, dancing and gymnastics are the safest physical activities, according to a study that analyzed injury risks in 61 sports and exercises (Getty)
Running, golf, dancing and gymnastics are the safest physical activities, according to a study that analyzed injury risks in 61 sports and exercises (Getty)

Running There were 0.70 injuries, golf 1.25, and fitness classes only 0.10 per 100,000 participants per year. The most popular sports, soccer It had the highest incidence rate of 6.56 infections per 100,000 participants per year. The authors described this as still relatively small.

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the Motorsports, equestrian activities, paragliding and paragliding They were, by far, the most dangerous activities among those included in the study. Motorsports resulted in 532 injuries, equestrian activities caused 235 injuries, and paragliding caused 191 injuries per 100,000 participants. men He suffered more injuries than slimAt a rate of 6.4 cases per 100,000 per year compared to 3.3.

Despite the good news, Risk of injury to Popular sports and others Physical activities While the finding that more people are getting injured could be multifaceted—trauma data recording improved during the study, meaning more injuries are being recorded now—it’s important to respond to any increase in load and use. “This data is to make activities safer,” Dr. Hans said. Madeline DavisShe is the study’s lead author and a former postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles. University of Bath.

Motorsports, equestrian activities and paragliding are among the most dangerous physical activities, according to a study that compared injury risks across 61 sports and exercises (Getty)
Motorsports, equestrian activities and paragliding are among the most dangerous physical activities, according to a study that compared injury risks across 61 sports and exercises (Getty)

a lot Exercise injuries He pointed out that entertainment can be prevented. Williamswith protective equipment, education and rule changes. The results were published online Oct. 24 in the journal Injury prevention. the British Medical Association By funding the study.

More information: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more information about the benefits of physical activity.

Source: University of Bath, Press Release, 26 October 2023

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