How and when to see a partial solar eclipse on June 10 | Science

During the morning of Thursday, June 10, between 10:48 and 12:44 (depending on the region), what is known as a partial solar eclipse will occur in Spain, during which the moon will cover a small part of our star. This phenomenon, which occurs when our satellite is placed between the Sun and the Earth, will be visible on the Peninsula, the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, but it will not affect the brightness of the day. Experts remember that it is important to use preventive measures to monitor this eclipse, as it can cause serious eye injury.

The eclipse will be visible from the entire peninsula, although depending on the region, it will start at a different time. For example, in Pontevedra, the city where it can be seen before, it will start at 10:48 and end at 12:39. In the Balearic Islands, they will have to wait until 11.31 and they will be able to think about that until 12.13. In Madrid, the eclipse will be visible between 11.01 and 12.29. You can check the hours of all counties in this table.

Depending on the region we are in, the percentage of the sun that will cover the moon will also vary. At its peak, our A Coruña satellite will cover 13% of the solar disk. In Madrid, this percentage will be 4.7%, and in Valencia, 1.7%. The further south we go, the lower the percentage of the solar disk covered, although the differences won’t be very large. Outside Spain, in northeastern Canada, in northern Greenland, in the Arctic Ocean, and in northeastern Russia, it will look like an annular eclipse. In these cases, the Moon completely covers the Sun, except for the outer part of the solar ocean, giving it the appearance of a ring.

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For astronomers, this phenomenon is still very interesting. Rodrigo Gonzalez Benado, astrophysicist at Planetarium in Madrid, He explains it this way: “It’s an important eclipse that happens many times and can be seen from all over Spain.” The last partial solar eclipse visible from our country occurred on August 21, 2017, although when it occurred during sunset it was difficult to observe. The next date is dated October 25, 2022, although it can only be seen from the northeast of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

The next eclipse is dated October 25, 2022, although it can only be seen from the northeast of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

González Peinado remembers that there are many options for enjoying this eclipse safely. The first alternative is special glass with certified filters that block the sun’s harmful rays. The second possibility is the use of projection technology, which consists in projecting the light that exits through the eyepiece of the telescope onto a white paper or screen. “There you can see how the moon, little by little, covers the disk of the sun,” explains the astrophysicist. The third option is to use optical glass, a black mineral polymer or a mylar filter. These devices, which are placed in the mouth of the telescope, allow us to filter out rays that harm our eyesight, although the latter must be known to use it correctly. In the event that you are unable to choose any of these alternatives, Madrid Planetarium will do so Stream the eclipse live on YouTube.

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Activities in other cities of Spain

In addition to the Madrid Planetarium’s live broadcast, some museums and observatories will also be observing the eclipse. For example, is Oskady Science Museum The telescope will be available to visitors at the entrance to the venue. The projection technology mentioned above will be used and you will be outdoors to maintain covid-19 protocol. It will not be necessary to pay any entry.

At the Castellon Planetarium, two telescopes will be used: one for projection work and the other for direct observation. In this case, it is also free, although it is necessary Register in advance through the Castellon City Council website.

more information

If the weather is good, in the outdoor park of Navarra Science Museum Two telescopes will also be placed to be able to follow the phenomenon. If the weather is bad, the note will be replaced by talking about an eclipse. In any case, it will not be necessary to reserve a seat or pay for admission.

The Valladolid Science Museum He will also resort to projection. Beginning at 11 a.m. in the museum’s North Plaza, center director and planetary scientist Ines Rodriguez Hidalgo and Carlos Coelho, respectively, will explain details of the phenomenon to attendees. There will be capacity control, but it will not be necessary to pay the entrance fee. Between 11.35 and 11.55, the peak of the eclipse in this city, the event will be broadcast via a page Facebook social networking site from the museum.

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