Here’s How You Can See the Comet of the Century in Mexico

Here’s How You Can See the Comet of the Century in Mexico

passage Kites Around the Earth have become events that no one can miss. And because all these cases happen once in a person’s life, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on documenting these cases, and preparing to enjoy them in the best possible way. Now, It was announced that at the end of September a comet will be seen that will not pass by the Earth again for 26 thousand years.

According to Starwalk, between September 17 and October 13, Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsochenshan-Atlas) A3, also known as Atlas, will be visible from Mexico, an event that will repeat every 26,000 years. In addition to waiting, This star is distinguished by its tail, which forms when it passes close to the Sun at a distance similar to the orbit of Mercury.This is what was said about him:

“The future brightness of this comet is unpredictable and largely depends on its activity in the coming months. However, most sources agree on one thing: C/2023 A3 (Tuchinshan-ATLAS) will likely be visible to the naked eye. If we are lucky, it may become exceptionally bright and even outshine C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) in the summer of 2020.”

For all interested, This is the calendar that Comet Atlas will follow in late September and early October.:

  • September 27: The comet will reach its closest point to the sun.
  • October 2: The comet enters its night phase. It can no longer be seen in the southern hemisphere, but in the northern hemisphere it can be seen at night.
  • October 12: The comet will reach its closest point to Earth and will be visible at its peak with its long, bright tail.
  • October 13: The comet can still be seen, but at a lower intensity.
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In this way, it is advisable to use telescopes to follow the path of Atlas, but On October 12, this comet will be visible to the naked eye.. In related news, Mars and Venus won’t be the closest planets to Earth. Similarly, NASA found water on a comet.

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Author’s Note:

This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. There is no other chance. If you don’t get a chance to use Atlas, the only thing you can do is watch the videos online, but you will never get to see them in person, so you should take advantage of this opportunity.

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