hard disk | Transfers – El Sol de Mexico

Yes, remittances arrive on fire. According to the latest report from the Bank of Mexico, in the interruption until July of this year, income from remittances from abroad amounted to 4,540 million dollars, which means an annual growth of 28.6%.

The cumulative value of remittance revenue in the first seven months of 2021 was $28,187 million, which is higher than the $22.821 million recorded in the same period of 2020. It represents an annual expansion of 23.5%.

This phenomenon is explained by Reopening the US economy After a year in confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our question is: Is it true that the presidents of Mexico, at least from Vicente Fox to Lopez Obrador, assume these “record” numbers As an achievement for his government?

This week, AMLO highlighted in its third report the $4,540 million sent by Mexican workers who had to leave the country and go to the United States to get a job. On other occasions, he mentioned this information thanking those who sent it “to help us”, as if those shipments were deliberate support for his government’s program, and they are usually resources sent regardless of who is in power.

Remittances come to support family members, from those who have gone to look for opportunities in another country, who find them in low-paying jobs in the United States, but compared to what they can earn here or from unemployment for them better than anyone else. . From those meager payments They set aside a marginal percentage to send to Mexico, although really additive, they give such colossal amounts.

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Unfortunately, these functions Generating productivity and added value in the workplaceNot in Mexico. It increases or decreases according to the US business cycle, not whether Mexico is in recovery or not.

The president arrives in this period half with Undoubted things to highlight (Others I shouldn’t mention, like a 0.5% reduction in insecurity in the country.) There is financial stability, there is no inflation, the peso is stable, and foreign investment has not collapsed, although it has impeded the arrival of new investment.

This is why you don’t see a reason to brag Something you criticized beforeLike the suspension of the remittance medal. It is immoral to add this money to what the government “earned”, especially since it is the product of the marginalization of millions of people who for decades have not found their livelihood here.

Politicians should extract money from their happy accounts that immigrants have earned by the sweat of their brow and not by the general policies of the Mexican government. We hope a little decency and respect for those citizens, who are not there for fun, far from their families.

on USB…

…we were already talking about The necessary union of efforts in the Mexican press. This week the MX Media Alliance was born (www.alianzademediosmx.org), to defend freedom of expression and combat impunity in the face of attacks of various origins. Without partisan political overtones, it should be a seed of greater thought about where the media must go to be viable in the future…

…it was necessary This rapprochement of PAN senators with the Spanish far-right of VOX? Oh really? …

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