Google Assistant has a new voice in Mexico and Latin America, that is how it sounds

Two days ago we told you about it The voice we noticed changed in Google Assistant in Mexico, With a tone of voice more adapted to ours, although she only appeared occasionally at the time. Today Google made it official, We already have a new voice in Mexico and Latin America.

The company commented that starting today, Latin American users will have the potential Choose between two Spanish voicesIt was developed using technology WaveNet DeepMind, Noting that it will have a “more natural” tone and a better timbre for a more fluid conversation.

New voices will appear gradually, and in order to verify that we will have to enter the settings of the Google Assistant app and two sounds named orange and red may appear.

Google Assistant

“We have found that people enjoy trying to find their favorite shade and we think it is important to present it without any labels.”

This option is not new, Since 2019 Google announced new voices for nine different countries, and split them by color, so people can decide which is the best option.

No need to download any updates To update the processor. Google states that the new audio will be available on Google Home, Smartphones and Android TV.

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