Glacier Alert in Tibet | Work of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

A A group of Chinese scientists study the Tibetan Plateau. He warned that levels of warmth and humidity are rising, a factor that increases the likelihood of extreme weather events such as tornadoes. Its ice mass is expected to melt by the end of the century.

The notice comes from a group of researchers from Chinese Academy of Sciences Which, like other official institutions, expressed its concern about the possibility of disappearance In some areas more than half of the mass of Tibetan glaciers.

The melting of the plateau, which is the source of many major rivers in Asia, including the Nile. Indus, Ganges, Mekong, Yangtze and Yellowcan cause a Water level rises to more than 10 meters From its lakes.

According to research, of modern importance thanks to Tibet Department of Science and Technologyhe Global warming It is cited as one of the main reasons for the growth of pastures and forests in the past 15 years, equivalent to 6% and 12% respectively.

However, “these changes also entail a Increased risk of extreme weather events“Because although increasing vegetation cover contributes to preventing desertification, in the long run it will cause A change in the monsoon circulation, which will lead to more heavy rainfall during the summer.

In this sense, Yao Tandong, one of the researchers of this phenomenon, stated that “these changes can occur Extreme weather events increase in China“. In 2022, in an article in the magazine, natureThe world has previously warned of rising water levels in the northern interior regions of the plateau, while the southern regions are witnessing a decline.

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Academics also stressed that these changes imply a The future need for “more effective management of water resources” In the countries surrounding the Tibetan Plateau.

In this context, China Meteorological Administration It is reported that the total area of ​​glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau It could be reduced by 40% by 2050.It is a phenomenon that may come from storms and floods.

Finally, the research team reported, More than 3,000 new species discovered on the plateau It provided evidence that early human activity in the area could date back more than 190,000 years.

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