France is considering excluding the UK from countries not subject to travel restrictions

This content was posted on May 23, 2021 – 4:27 PM

Paris, May 23 (EFE). France is studying the possibility of excluding the United Kingdom from the “green list” of countries outside the European Union that will not have travel restrictions when the borders reopen, due to the spread of the changing Indian virus there.

On Sunday, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian made it clear that this “green list” should be drawn up on June 9th, once the 27 members of the European Union have already set the criteria for determining which countries to join. The spread of the epidemic and the ability to combat it.

In a radio and TV interview with RTL and LCI, the minister noted, “We have a British question left” because we are “very vigilant” about the development of the Indian alternative there.

Asked if this meant that the UK could be placed on a “red list”, preventing travel even for people who had been vaccinated, he answered no, but could receive “moderate treatment”

Germany, also due to the extension of the Indian alternative, has imposed a two-week isolation period on people coming from the United Kingdom since Sunday, even for those who can file a negative Covid test.

For its part, Spain announced, Friday, that it will open its borders to travelers from the United Kingdom and nine other countries outside the European Union classified as “safe” as of tomorrow: Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Israel. And South Korea, Thailand and Rwanda.

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Besides the European “green list”, there will be another “orange” with countries you cannot enter from unless people are vaccinated. The “red list” will consist of countries where the variants of concern have developed and that, in general, even those who have been vaccinated will not be able to enter.

The French “red list”, which is currently in force, includes India, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, Colombia, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Turkey and Pakistan. EFE

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