Find the word “OCTOPUS” hidden in the alphabet soup; Participate in the visual puzzle – teach me about science

Today’s pick is the classic alphabet soup created by the team at Gorgeous Guru, between the rows and columns is hidden a word that you must find in record time. Pay attention and quickly search all the word combinations that you must find.

Keep in mind that this is a classic Alphabet soup It works the same way, the word can be spelled in any direction, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, and it can also be upside-down or bottom-up.

Find the word “octopus” in less than 9 seconds

Your time is running out now!

picture: Gorgeous Guru

Did you manage to beat the time of other netizens?

If you can find the entangled octopus in the alphabet soup, congratulations! Your visual skills are in the best shape. In case you don’t achieve the goal, don’t get discouraged, it’s just a matter of commitment, experience and a lot of practice.

Learn some strange facts about octopuses

  • They have the ability to memorize and learn.
  • They have three hearts, each of them performs a different function.
  • It is estimated that they have about 500 million neurons located in their tentacles.
  • They reproduce through the third tentacle and only once in their lifetime.
  • The male dies after fertilization of the female.
  • octopus kona cyaneainIt’s covered with taste receptors, for example, like your body is covered in tongues.
  • He can regenerate his claws if he is amputated.
  • He has no bones.
  • They are color blind.
  • The oldest fossil is 296 million years old.


picture: : Gorgeous Guru

We invite you to continue improving your cognitive abilities with challenges at different levels, so you can keep your mind “fresh” and active. If you solve a couple a day, you will delay cognitive decline.

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