Finally there is news! Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo headline the musical sinister movie

United State-. After years of waiting, musical theater fans are finally getting close to seeing them evil, one of the most acclaimed works in Broadway, on the big screen. Through emotional posts on InstagramAnd Ariana Grande And Cynthia Erivo It was announced that they would star in the film version of the musical as Glinda and Elphaba respectively.

lovers evil They were afraid that the film’s production would not go anywhere. Hope was lost when the movie’s release date was replaced by music. the cats. However, after what should have been so long, amazing And Erivo They were chosen for the main roles. It is not yet known what other stars will accompany them.

amazing He announced the news on his website Instagram With a series of photos, such as the moment she found out she was chosen to be Glenda, a screenshot of a video call with the film’s director, john m choowho also directed the musical in the highlands, and photographed a large bouquet sent to her Erivo To congratulate her on getting the role, the actress returned service.

Musical work created by Stephen Schwartz Based on the 1995 novel Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, which is an account of a book in the year 1900 The wonderful Wizard of Oz, which inspired the 1939 musical wizard of oz. novelty evil It’s said from the witches’ point of view, not from Dorothy’s.

The film is currently in development and will start production between June and September next year in United kingdom. Winnie Holzman and Stephen Schwartz are responsible for adapting the script. This dream will come true amazing, many times ago expressed his desire to be able to play a character Glinda, just as it was written in Twitter in 2011.

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Instagram: @arianagrande

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