Fausto Mineo is also a catalyst

The Ecuadorean singer-songwriter is the image of many brands. Promote Natú, a family business. photo courtesy

Faust Menu He sings, dances and stands in front of recognized brands and is now motivating entrepreneurs from all over the country; It encourages them to set goals and achieve them. He’s an artist applying what he learned in “Hubbard Management (a very special way of running a business),” he says.

magnificence He became quite an expert after trying his own business, since 2015.

Five years later, he decided to share his knowledge with the rest of Ecuadorians. Companies are looking for him all the time.

Songwriter like Baila mi vida, Sometimes Ok, You’re Beautiful, Life is a Game, among others, uses it Music shows as a tool for training people; It is also backed by statistics.

Their encounters are dynamic. It always invites reflection. On December 21, 2021, for example, he bid farewell to the year with a conference in which he explained the importance of barriers or obstacles in everyday life.

“They are part of life. They are essential, but it is important to understand that we are much stronger.”

The participants, about 30 men and women, agreed with him. They also realized that sometimes it is people who draw their own barriers.

magnificence It relies on music to reach people’s minds and hearts with the message.

“I felt like music helps them emotionally. People need tools to thrive and very few have them. I discovered my own and really love to share with other dreamers.”

But this artist, married and father of Joaquin and Samuel, not only motivates entrepreneurs, but also supports spouses.

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He ensures that his knowledge is applicable to the world of love. He uses it daily with his wife, Carmen Borja Salazar.


no It is believed that long-term common goals have not been set. They think only of taking care of their children and educating them. To confirm For the relationship to flourish, it is necessary for both parties to do their work, but this does not always happen. Moving forward, in all aspects of life, requires commitment and a lot of persistence. “My personal opinion is that without a common goal beyond the physical, life as a married couple becomes just a social aspect.”

But, before setting common goals, magnificence It is suggested that everyone look at the house and identify their personal items. “Then they can identify a common goal that aligns with the purpose of each one.” If they succeed, they will have many possibilities to work as a great team.

Entrepreneurship also requires a purpose

And sometimes people pledge Driven by some emotion and that’s why it usually fails. He gives all his energy, every two or three years, in one year and another leading businessesIn a never ending cycle.

Before creating a business, it is important, as you say magnificenceLet each person define their primary purpose. To find out, it is important to ask yourself two questions: What do I like to do the most? And why? The answers must convince; They must be strong.

“If you know your goal, you can devote all your energy to those companies with which you are compatible in every way; you will not lack perseverance.” Therefore, it will be easier to achieve goals.

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Fausto Mineo, 42, during a “show”. Share messages frequently on your Instagram account. photo courtesy

In their meetings, this artist also talked to them about the importance of training in finances; This can be through quick courses, which are always offered and are currently a trend.

With the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic, many people have lost their formal jobs, and decided to start an income generating business.

Currently, Fausto has more than 15 alumni. I have taken lessons in EcuadorAnd the ColombiaAnd the United StateAnd the Mexico s United kingdom.

about your family

magnificence had become the father For the second time after arriving Samuelin November 2021.

“Being a father for the second time has been so beautiful and different. Now I have a little less physical energy, but I also have more patience.” He adds that he would love to be a dad to pre-teens. His first son is called Joaquín and he loves his little brother.

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Posted by trade on me Thursday 9 June 2022

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