Fans react to the LGBTQ+ love triangle

It’s the second/third week in The eldest of the brothers Home and we may have a love triangle on our hands.

On Sunday’s (October 22) episode, viewers got their first glimpse at a potential love triangle situation. In what made for awkward but confusing TV viewing, fans saw Jordan and Matty flirting with each other.

However, watching from the side was Jordan’s “husband”, Henry. Ironically, the couple has been communicating with each other since Tuesday (October 17), but the true intention behind their feelings remains unknown.

Previously, Henry and Jordan were linked by their common interests and joked about their hypothetical son Tarquin. When the three of them were sitting outside, Matty punched Jordan in the leg, and Jordan replied, β€œAh! Matty! Not in front of my husband!”

However, in Sunday’s episode, there seemed to be a shift in the power dynamic. Jordan was sitting next to Matty on the living room sofa, where she complimented him on his hair. Matty, who is in an open relationship with her boyfriend, made a tender commitment to him.

Henry, who had been watching the couple, left the room before returning and sitting down.

Fans were quick to respond and highlight the potential awkwardness of the situation.

One fan said: “Henry loves Jordan but Jordan loves Matty but Matty is in a relationship…but Matty loves Jordan too? But Jordan doesn’t want to get involved in an open relationship. (I’m Jenry Schipper) #bbuk #bigbrotheruk #bbll #bigbrother.”

Another fan added: β€œHenry, Jordan and Matty. Love Island fulfilled The eldest of the brothers …It’s going to get interesting. #Puck.”

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See more fan reactions below:

Big Brother UK He returned to our screens after a five-year break. The eldest of the brothers It first premiered on UK screens on Channel 4 in 2000 and ran for 11 seasons, plus an additional seven seasons of the series. Celebrity Big Brother And a final special edition series entitled The ultimate big brother. After moving to Channel 5 for a further eight seasons and 15 Celebrity seasons, the show ended in 2018.

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During this time The eldest of the brothers It hosted several notable LGBTQIA+ contestants, including former lesbian nun Anna Nolan, season 2 winner Brian Dowling, and Nadia Almada, who became the first openly transgender champion.

Additional contestants include Luke Anderson from Season 13, the first openly transgender winner, and Cameron Cole, who came out midway through Season 19 and later won.

The eldest of the brothers It continues every night on ITV1 at 9pm.

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