Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom: Why does she have so many red chests in her office and what secrets are hidden in them | property | royal family | nda | nnni | Globalism

life Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom It is full of unforgettable tales and moments worth highlighting. Not only has she been queen for 70 years, but each verb has a special meaning, as well as the things she keeps in her Buckingham Palace office. This is the story of the mysterious red chests of Charles Wells’ mother, their meaning and why no one has access to them.

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In early February, Her Majesty the Queen celebrated seven decades on the throne, surpassing Queen Victoria as Britain’s longest-reigning. This was through the official account of the British royal family on Instagram (), that the Royal House published a photo showing him with one of his famous boxes and a brooch of two ivy sheets studded with diamonds, which was a gift from the Queen Mother when her daughter turned 21 and was still a princess. Since then, more than one person has wondered what it contains.

The Secret of the Red Chests of Elizabeth II

This isn’t the first time she’s a grandmother William Cambridge And the Henry Sussex next to their red boxes. For example, in 1959 he was photographed in his office at Buckingham Palace. In 1972 he performed in his studio in Balmoral. In 1977 she is seen surrounded by important roles in the setting of Windsor Castle and the other photo is from 2015, during an audience in Buckingham and was taken by photographer Mary McCartney, daughter of former Beatle Paul McCartney.

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On Instagram they detailed it in “For the past 70 years, the Queen has been receiving daily papers from her private secretaries, in person or via a red delivery box.”.

As shown Quoting official sources from the British royal house, this “Containing documents updating Her Majesty the Queen on events in Parliament, as well as foreign and Commonwealth business, and state documents requiring her signature and royal assent.”

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