Economics / Finance. – Emanuel Carluccio, re-elected president of the European Union Firefighting Association in Europe

Madrid, 21 (European Press)

The EFPA Europe Shareholders’ General Meeting re-elected Emanuel Carluccio as Chairman of the Association’s Management Committee for the next session, said a statement.

Specifically, the Board of Directors, meeting on Wednesday 16 June, appointed its new management team for the next three years, a period during which the Federation Board of Directors and the Management Committee are being renewed.

The EFPA Europe Board of Directors continues with 12 members, each representing one of the countries in which EFPA has a national subsidiary, among them Josep Soler, founder of EFPA and representative of EFPA Spain.

In addition, EFPA Europe reported on the change of Charlie Moon, representative of the United Kingdom, to Brendan Ossophine. The association stated: “Charles Moon’s contribution and support to the remarkable growth of the association over the past decade has been rewarded and valued with the designation of an honorary award from EFPA Europe.”

For his part, Charles Moon considered it “a great pleasure and honor for me to accompany the European Union of Press Association on its path and to help expand financial education throughout Europe”. In addition, he wished “all the best” in this path to his successor, Brendan O’Keebyn.

“Our goal is to strengthen EFPA by giving professionals the opportunity to obtain high-quality certification and by setting strict ethical standards, so that financial professionals can advise clients on relevant and transcendent personal finance issues.” , the president of the EFPA, Emanuele Carluccio, explained.

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