Earthquake response exercise in Argentina

Buenos Aires-. Today in Argentina, more than 300 experts from different countries are participating in the International Earthquake Response exercise, which aims to promote a coordinated response to such phenomena.

The event will be held until Friday in the western province of San Juan and brings together specialists from countries such as Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, Chile and Colombia, who deal with the necessary actions in the event of a major earthquake.

In a recorded message, the day before, Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero stressed the importance of the meeting to promote collective action, joint preparedness, international ties and solidarity.

For his part, San Juan Security Secretary Carlos Munisaja indicated that being prepared and having a plan and teams working in a coordinated manner in the face of these events is of great importance and saves lives.

In turn, the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Argentina, Claudia Mojica, highlighted the importance of the presence of the international humanitarian network in this country, which was established two years ago to support the country in responding to emergencies and disasters. Focus on gender equality and human rights.

The exercise aims to strengthen local and international mechanisms and tools in dealing with earthquakes, in addition to preparing comprehensive preparedness and interaction programmes.

Participating in the event are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Argentine Ministry of Security, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Pan American Health Organization emergency medical teams, among other institutions.

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