Coronavirus in Argentina today: The country is adding 3,168 cases and approaching 52,000 deaths

else 19 people have died and 3,168 people have been reported with the Coronavirus In the last 24 hours at ArgentinaWith what they add 51,965 deaths were recorded Officially at the national level and 2,107,365 injured Since the start of the pandemic, it has been reported today Ministry of Health.

The health portfolio indicated that it is 3,505 people were admitted to the intensive care units, With an adult bed occupancy rate of 53.7% in the country and 60.4% in Buenos Aires metropolitan area.

a 54.26% (1,719 people) of those infected today (3,168) correspond to City and Province of Buenos Aires.

Dependent 2.107.365 Infected 90.39% (1,905,021) were conjugated and 150,379 active confirmed cases.

On this day they reported that the deceased were 10 men and 8 women, While one person was registered in Jujuy Province without nationality data.

The report stated that they were dead 10 men:

  • 1 in the province of Buenos Aires
  • 1 in the city of Buenos Aires
  • 1 in Entre Rios
  • 1 in La Rioja
  • 2 in Neuquen
  • 4 in Santa Cruz

He passed away too 8 women:

  • 1 Cordoba
  • 3 at Entre Rios
  • 2 in La Rioja
  • 1 in Mendoza
  • 1 in Santa Cruz

Governorate by province: Coronavirus cases

The Ministry of Health stated that the following were recorded today:

  • In the province of Buenos Aires, 1,282 cases
  • In the city of Buenos Aires, 437
  • In Catamarca, 44
  • In the Chaco, 84
  • In Chubut, 9
  • In Corrientes, 58
  • In Cordoba, 334
  • In Entre Rios, 52
  • In Formosa, 1
  • In Jujuy, 85
  • In La Pampa, 47
  • In La Rioja, 50
  • In Mendoza, 51
  • In Missions 73
  • In Neuquen, 79
  • In Rio Negro, 56
  • Salta 82
  • In San Juan, 5
  • In San Luis, 1
  • In Santa Cruz, 35
  • And Santa Fe, 123
  • In Santiago del Estero, 90
  • In Tierra del Fuego, 6
  • In Tucuman, 84
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The ministry indicated that it had been implemented within the past 24 hours 30,915 examinations and since the beginning of the outbreak 7,436,806 diagnostic tests have been performed for this disease.

With these numbers Argentina is ranked 12th Worldwide in the number of coronavirus cases since the beginning of the epidemic.

These are the 10 countries with the most cases so far: United State 28.594.583, India 11.096.731, Brazil 10.517.232, Russia 4.198.400, United kingdom 4.188.823, France 3.747.263, Spain 3.188.553, Italy 2.925.265, Turkey 2,701,588 and Germany 2.450.294.

While the total number of cases has already arrived 113.986.374 And the 2,528,993 deaths all over the world. the number of Recovered Starting from today 64.379.512.

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